Whether you’re new to the industry, advancing your career or honing your expertise, PSTC created the Pressure Sensitive Tape Certificate to guide you on your professional journey. Follow our curriculum of practical training, education and growth opportunities to rise through the ranks and become a PSTC Industry Master.  

– Joe Tocci, PSTC President and Intertape Polymer Group Inc. Senior Vice President

“The Pressure Sensitive Tape Certificate program lays out what a potential career path working with PSA tape could look like, from beginning an entry level position onward to the top of the industry. PSTC’s introductory courses on the fundamentals of PSA tape are already an essential part of Intertape Polymer Group’s training program, and I look forward to seeing where the rest of the curriculum takes our employees, our company and the PSA industry.” 

– Michel Merkx, PSTC Past President and American Biltrite Inc. Corporate Vice President & General Manager

“Through structured education, training and networking, the Pressure Sensitive Tape Certificate program serves as an excellent tool to support professional development for anyone in the PSA industry. The three certificate levels encompass opportunities to demonstrate not only proficiency in the technical aspects of PSA tape, but also comprehensive understanding of its role in the wider PSA industry—including insight in both market applications and how to navigate challenges throughout the supply chain.” 

If you’ve recently taken our Tape Academy courses, you may already be on your way to getting certified! See how many of the requirements below you’ve already completed.

How to Apply


Pay the application fee ($500 for nonmembers/$250 for members).


Download and fill out the application (located below under their respective levels).  


Send completed application with required supplemental documentation (noted on application) to with the subject “For Review: PSTC Certificate Application Level [1, 2, or 3]”

Consider applying to for this level if you’re new to the overall PSA industry or moving to a new role or job function. The PSTC Industry Specialist curriculum serves as excellent training and orientation in the first year of employment.‎‎  

Having trouble logging in? 

Application Fee

Nonmembers: $500

PSTC Members: $250

Learn more about PSTC membership.


Level 1 certificate Requirements

Fundamentals of PSA Tape (On-Demand): Complete the course and pass an evaluation, or provide a certificate of attendance from 2018–2022. 

PSA Tape Applications in Industry Verticals: Complete the ‎four modules (two focused on the building and ‎construction vertical and two on the automotive vertical) ‎and pass an evaluation, or provide a certificate of ‎attendance from 2022.

Candidates for this level should have at least two years of work experience in the overall PSA industry. Consider applying if you’re looking to validate your knowledge of pressure sensitive tape and enhance your professional development.  

Having trouble logging in? 

Application Fee

Nonmembers: $500

PSTC Members: $250

Learn more about PSTC membership.


Level 2 certificate Requirements

Manufacturing and Testing: Complete the course and pass an evaluation, or provide a certificate of attendance from 2018–2022. 

Adhesives and Advanced Technologies: Complete the course and pass an evaluation, or provide a certificate of attendance from 2018–2022. 


Attend the Markets and Applications Track or Technical Track at Tape Week. We recommend the Hopper Pass to experience both! Attendees must complete an evaluation to receive credit for this requirement; a certificate of past attendance cannot be substituted due to changes in content.  

Innovative Poster Session: Submit a Validation Card showing you participated in discussions with five different exhibitors at the Innovative Poster Session.

Exhibitor Showcase: Submit a Validation Card reflecting that you ‎participated in discussions with five different exhibitors at the ‎Exhibitor Showcase (Note: Must be different exhibitors from Innovative Poster Session).

As the highest and most prestigious level of Pressure Sensitive Tape Certificate, PSTC Industry Master candidates should have at least five years of work experience in the PSA industry. Consider applying if you hold or are working toward a management-level position.

Having trouble logging in? 

Application Fee

PSTC Members: $250

Learn more about PSTC membership.


Level 3 certificate Requirements


PSTC membership is required for this level. Not a member? Learn more about PSTC membership. 

Present at a Tape Week track or serve as an instructor for a Tape Academy course.

Attend the Spring Member Meeting** and Fall Member Business Meeting** and lead a roundtable discussion at one of them.

Actively serve on a PSTC committee or task force** for at least one year (e.g., serving as a session chair for a track at Tape Week).

Attend the Sustainability: Building Awareness Summit at Tape Week and pass an evaluation. 

** This event is exclusive to PSTC Members

Certificate Program FAQ’s

If I participated in a required training previously, does that count as fulfilling the requirement?

If you took the Fundamentals of PSA Tape on-demand course, Fundamentals of PSA Tape Applications in Industry Verticals, Manufacturing and Testing, or Adhesives and Advanced Technologies in 2018 or later, you may submit your certificate of attendance to fulfill those requirements.

However, we are unable to accept certificates for pre-2023 attendance at the Tape Week Markets and Applications Track or Technical Track due to program changes. Because the Innovative Poster Session Validation Card and Sustainability Summit are new in 2023, prior iterations of those are also not accepted.
What happens after I submit my application?

After you submit your application and accompanying materials, PSTC staff, under the direction of the Board of Directors, will review your application, your course certificates, your application payment, and your membership status (when applicable). After all of the submitted materials are reviewed, you will be contacted with our decision, or with additional follow-up questions when applicable.
If I took a required course between 2018 and 2022 but no longer have my certificate of attendance, can I request a new one?

Please contact with your name and year of attendance. We will make every attempt to locate your certificate on your behalf.
What is a Validation Card and how do I get one?

This card and instructions will be available on-site at Tape Week.
How do I take the evaluation? Do I need to submit anything to show that I’ve passed?

Links to complete the online evaluation will be provided to those who enrolled in the relevant programs. Once you successfully complete the exam/evaluation, you will receive a downloadable PDF certificate showing that you’ve successfully completed the requirement. This certificate is what you will submit with your application.
How long after submitting my application will I receive a decision?

We anticipate that the thorough review of all applications could take up to four weeks.
If my application is not accepted, may I appeal that decision?  

If you believe that you have met all requirements, but your application is not accepted, you may submit a written appeal to 
If I know that I will qualify for the highest level in the certificate program, may I apply directly to that level without going through levels 1 and 2 first? 

You may work towards the requirements of each level simultaneously and even submit your applications simultaneously, but you must apply and qualify for level 1 in order to achieve level 2, and level 2 in order to achieve level 3.  
Is PSTC membership required to enter the certificate program?  

While we encourage you to become a PSTC member in order to receive membership benefits and strengthen the organization, membership in PSTC is not required for Level 1 or Level 2. PSTC membership is required for Level 3.  
Will I need to renew my certificate status?  

No. Because this is a certificate program and not a certification, there is no renewal necessary.
Have more questions?

Contact PSTC staff at
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