President’s Award
2019 – Linda Lavanco
Linda Lavanco, has been involved with PSTC for more than 25 years. In this time, she has occupied the role of chairperson for a two-year term and has been an instrumental part of the EH&S Committee, coordinating the committee’s portion at Tape Summit — recently rebranded to Tape Week – and developing a special guide to California Proposition 65 for PSTC members. She also participated in a review of EPA’s most recent Maximum Available Control Technology (MACT) standards.

2018 – Dennis Schulmerich
Schulmerich joined PSTC in 2012 and volunteered for the Marketing Committee in 2013. In 2016, he worked with TRC Advisory and Brakethrough Research to develop and implement a Market Opportunity Research Study to determine the building and construction industry as one showing growth for PSA tape usage.
Throughout his years on PSTC’s marketing committee, Schulmerich has demonstrated positive leadership and consistently contributes to meet the objectives outlined in the committee charter. He has been instrumental in establishing a parallel Markets and Applications track at PSTC’s annual Tape Summit event, whereby building and construction professionals can learn about the current uses of PSA tape, its strengths/weaknesses, evolving needs and performance attributes that would drive increasing levels of use.

2017 – Lars Kilian
Kilian joined the Education Committee in 2013 and served as committee chair since 2015. During his time with PSTC, he has taught 12 courses and has hosted nine of the past 16 Fundamentals & Advanced courses.
He drove continuous improvement in course content and instructor succession plans and recruitment. Kilian is currently leading the development of a new course tailored specifically for the construction market.

2016 – Michael Tumey
Tumey joined the PSTC Technical Seminar committee in 2003 and chaired the annual event in 2006. He continued on that committee until 2008, when he assumed the chair position of the then PSTC Technical Steering Committee. This committee provided direction and assistance to the Education, Technical Seminar and Test Methods committees.
Following a strategic realignment by the PSTC Board of the committee structures in early 2011, Tumey became a member of the newly formed PSTC Education-Training Steering committee. He worked with technical and marketing colleagues, as well as with academic consultants, to improve or develop various web-based programs as part of the PSTC “Grow the Industry” initiative. This committee’s efforts led to an initial, introductory tape video for and in the following year, a second, transportation-related video.
Over the last several years, Tumey has served as an education advisor on both the Technical Seminar and Education committees. In 2014, he participated in the updating of content and delivery of the Fundamentals, Advanced and Manufacturing courses. In addition, he has continued to assist in the preparations for the annual TECH events.

2015 – Graeme Roan
Roan has been served as a key volunteer since the early 2000’s. He has held many roles over the years from being a speaker at the Tech Seminars to serving on numerous Committees. In 2003, Roan served as the Education Chair until 2013. During this time, the fundamentals class was launched.
Roan and the team redefined our education courses and moved the very popular Manufacturing and Testing Course to the Chemsultants location to provide the hands-on training segments.
Currently as the Chair of the Marketing Committee, Roan has led the team towards redeploying & realigning the task forces to form one single committee which can focus on all PSTC marketing efforts. The committee successfully launched ThinkTape, adding videos and content including the Member spotlight. Under Roan’s leadership the committee redefined the RTM messages and created updated collateral and are clarifying the external message that is used to promote PSTC and its members.

2015 – Stan Williams
Williams started as a member of the Education Committee due to the “Wayne Helton” gentle nudging that we all know and love. He recalls that one of his most memorable moments was traveling on the one year anniversary of 9/11 and how his friends and family were so concerned. Williams attributes this class as one of the most awarding ones he supported to date.
With over 38 years of experience, Williams continues to serve as one the key educators. He continues to ensure the information is relevant and takes pride in sharing his knowledge with individuals just starting out in the business. His passion and dedication to fellow committee members is the driving force behind the successful classes PSTC has hosted over the years. Williams was instrumental in redesigning and revitalizing PSTC’s education program which contributes to the continual success of each class.