TECH 39 Papers
Jim Belbas
Applying 6 Sigma to Reduce Energy Intensity in the Tapes Industry
Dr. Marco Cerra
Water based PSA’s with enhanced water resistance for closing the gap with solvent based products
Melinda Einsla, PhD
The Use of Mechanical Dispersion Technology to Extend the PSA Chemical Toolbox
Dr. Bin Gu
PSA to Structural Adhesive Tapes for Automobile Light-weighting Solutions
Dr. Raj Hariharan
Elucidation of modulus and rheological properties of ambient cure PSA emulsions
Dr. Katharine Jensen
Surface tension and deformation in soft adhesion
Stefan Knoke
IR-Spectroscopic Method for Determination of Silicone Cross Linking
Yayun Liu
Use of Rheology as a Developing and Troubleshooting Tool for PSA Application
Ir. Roelof Luth
Rheology of diluted polymer solutions and concentrated polymeric materials
Tom McCarthy
Wetting of Solids by Liquids
Dr. Carson Meredith
New Adhesive Capabilities by Mimicking Pollen
Mark Miller
The Effects of Visoelastic Behavior on Coating
Tim Mitchell
Rheological and Cure Examination of Silicone Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
Kathryn Moon
Butyl Based Flashing Tapes for Low Application Temperatures
Dr. David Newsham
Development of Improved Controlled-Release Polymers for Silicone Release Coatings
Elissa O’Loughlin
An Update on Tape Aging and Removability Studies
Dr. Michaeleen Pacholski
Correlating Adhesive Surface Analysis to Adhesive Performance
Gene Plavnik
Spectra HE Ultra Acoustic Heat and Mass Transfer Technology
David Schulenberg
Truth or myth: Do water-borne adhesives have difficulties with water-resistance?
Dr. Kiu-Yuen Tse
Innovation in Medical Adhesives
Martin Widenbrant
PSA Technology for water vapor permeable air barriers
Dr. David J. Yarusso
Peel Master Curves and their Relevance to Practical Tape Performance